
Unique Selling Price
/*echo ”
	echo "

“; exit;*/

$price1 = 0;
$price2 = 0;
$price3 = 0;
$price4 = 0;
$price5 = 0;
$price6 = 0;
$price7 = 0;
$price8 = 0;
$price9 = 0;
foreach($_POST[‘check_list’] as $check)
//echo $check;

if($check == “1”)
echo ”

Minimum word count: 1000

$price1 = (1000*0.05);
echo ”

Editing Price : “.$price1.”

if($check == “2”)
$price2 = (1000*0.05 * 1.5);
echo ”

Express Service Editing : “.$price2.”

if($check == “3”)
$price3 = (1000*0.05 * 1.7);
echo ”

Premium Editing Service : “.$price3.”

if($check == “4”)
$price4 = (1000*0.05 * 1.7) +70;
echo ”

Formatting : “.$price4.”

if($check == “5”)
$price5 = (1000*0.05)+(10 * 40);
echo ”

10 Figure (40 euro/fig): “.$price5.”

if($check == “6”)
$price6 = (1000*0.05) + 50;
echo ”

Cover Letter : “.$price6.”

if($check == “7”)
$price7 = (1000*0.05) + 300;
echo ”

Peer Review : “.$price7.”

if($check == “8”)
$price8 = (1000*0.14);
echo ”

Language translation : “.$price8.”

if($check == “9”)
$price9 = (3000*0.05 * 1.7) + 70 + 50 + 300;
echo ”

Special Multiple Package : “.$price9.”


//echoes the value set in the HTML form for each checked checkbox.
//so, if I were to check 1, 3, and 5 it would echo value 1, value 3, value 5.
//in your case, it would echo whatever $row[‘Report ID’] is equivalent to.
/* $query = $mysqli->query(“select * from journal where id=’$check'”);
$fetch = mysqli_fetch_array($query);
$issue_value = $fetch[‘journal_name’].”_”.$volume.”_”.$issue;
$issue_month = $year1.$month1; */
// $insert = $mysqli->query(“insert into issue(j_id,issue_month,issue_value) values(‘$check’,’$issue_month’,’$issue_value’)”);

echo ”

Administrative Chages : 10

$total_price = $price1 + $price2 + $price3 + $price4 + $price5 + $price6 + $price7 + $price8 + $price9 + 10;
echo ”

Total Price : “. $total_price.”

